Friday, October 22

I Am Tomorrow

A book of poetry


Mahmood Kavir

Children of the sun and the moon

I am the night sky

And have a basketful of stars

For tomorrow’s starry necklace.


Whether I am or not

It will rain.

Come in,

In to the garden of aspirations

Over the rainbow.

A cup of smiles

Or of kindness?

How many spoonfuls of dreams?


Good to see you.


Our dreams are in black and white

But none have dreamt in the colours I have.

I have dreamt that I am awake

And love is king.



Green I have brought:

Colour of love

Colour of paradise

Colour of dreams

Colour of seas

Come, round your neck let me place it

My love!


Dark I want you

- With no passing light -

Autumn I want you

- with no leaves –

Thirsty I want you

Like soil

Like salt

Just one Ah! Not a thousand

A breastful of separation

An eyeful of gazing

One sigh full of waiting…


One day

I shall have the right


Drink: blue

Wear: yellow

Laugh: green

And to have a colourful rainbow

Of hopes

In my heart.


God, mellow

Madonna, yellow

Old guitar players

Strumming blue guitars.


Sad clowns with smiling masks.

Cut-price singers

With canary voices.

No-magic magicians on broken bicycles.

Covent Garden

The flowing garden.

The happy Street

A street full of ravens and trees

A street of taverns, stalls and books

A street full of balconies and mud roofs

A street where pigeons sit in rows

A street full of children, uncles, mothers and wet nurses

A street of omens and contemplation

A street full of laughter. Gaiety and happiness.


It was in the middle of that blue night,

Tired and alone,

At the bus stop

He alighted.

Turning, he raised his hat,

Bowed graciously

And said: Goodnight- in God’s good care!

The empty bus


Left the bus stop,

Right in the middle of that blue night!


Standing on the rooftop of the world

On bent shoulders a painful sigh for a mantle

Gazelle eyes full of anxiety

For all the leaves on the trees,

Places a hand on my shoulders.

A flock of birds, happily on the wing,

Fly away from his hands.


Plastered peacocks,

A glassful of sun in hand,

Planting a kiss on tomorrow’s face,

On bank walls

And steel bridges,

With rainbow wings

They write:

Greeting to life

Hey! Life!

A Tramp

From a broken wooden bench

In a deserted park

The Messiah ascends,

Flies up

Higher and higher, up and up

His prestigious jaguar

Drives through the red light.

In the tumultuous silence

He plays Beethoven’s fifth

On the blue can of his dark beer

Dum dada dum!

And to his hungry dog he bows low.

It rains all night long.


Eleven shining stars

Run after a black and silvery moon

On the watchful terraces

Thousands of eyes

Hurl hope

Towards them.

In millions of hearts, drums beat

To one tune:

Come on! Go! Goal!

Come on1 go! Goal!

Long live love!

A band of lovers,

A roof full of pigeons,

A smile full of pearls,

Are enough to make you say:

Long live love!

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